Curated by Nicholas Cueva
Kat Chamberlin and David Wilson
T-shirts by: Jon Lutz, Debbie Manville, Elias Melad, Kris Rac, Mark Sengbusch, Olivia Swider, Phil Hardy, Gil Riley, Emily Strauss, Lily Rosen, Angela Simone, Ambre Kelly, Diego Chavez, Fabio Esteban Amador, Alex Sewell, Colin Tom, Lia O'Brien, Nicholas Cueva and Vintage on First
On view: August 16th - August 28th, 2020
Opening reception: August 16th, 2 - 7pm

So like, is the world ending? Are we on a prison planet? How do I escape?

Artists make our only escape off this rock and the artist in this show have made wonderful shirts to help distract you from, this... year. Retail Therapy!

Maybe this is actually 2012 and we were off by a few years? Locusts?


The sculpture of Kat Chamberlin, coming from the monitoring and digestion of cheer leading and school exercise culture, and David Wilson carving static moments of the torments of the judicial system both help remind us how are bodies are trapped and taxed in this hell world. Our only escape is to dive within ourselves, or in art! Either in society or under law we are to conform in many ways, so why not break free from the system with an awesome new shirt!

Someone said Bill Gates wants to microchip me like I'm, like his dog? I think they say not to get chipped in the Bible? If I get chipped, can I still buy weed? Is the vaccine gonna give me superpowers if it alters my DNA?

Have you developed odd physical abnormalities during quarantine? Has Coronavirus given your skin a odd glow? I know I just got fat. WHATEVER!!! Cover all of it up with a new T-shirt!

Buy a shirt!

Did the art-Right getting Hawaiian shirts cancelled really mess up your wardrobe? Did Antifa make your NYC all black look look desperate? Need something to signal you aren't apart of a giant conspiracy of violence? Get an artist HAND MADE ONE OF A KIND SHIRT! People will just think you're cool and maybe they will think about sleeping with you! BUY A SHIRT!