Organized by Geoffrey Owen Miller
Jessica Segall, Gustavo Prado, Heeseop Yoon, Brian Zegeer,  Julie Nymann, and Geoffrey Owen Miller
On view: July 13th - August 11th, 2019

Geoffrey Owen Miller, Dreams of our Future Nature, 2019, reflection, mixed plastics, glass, wire, dimensions variable.

Technology continuously exceeds itself. One life replacing another. Desire and vanity claim new is always better, while trails of replacements follow us. The work in this exhibition each engage us in a reflection on what we have had and what we may have. Each materially suggesting neither doom nor liberation, but how we might interact differently with each other, the natural world, and ourselves.  Like a ghosted spirit, trapped in it’s own circuit, and waiting to break loose. Or as the fauna behind the mirrors in Jorge Louis Borge’s, Book of Imaginary Beings, miming our every movement while awaiting their opportunity to take over the human world:

"Deep in the mirror we will perceive a very faint line and the colour of this line will be like no other colour. Later on, other shapes will begin to stir. Little by little they will differ from us; little by little they will not imitate us. They will break through the barriers of glass or metal and this time will not be defeated."